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Mathematics Course Listings
 MATH120: Fostering Cooperative Learning, Discussion, and Critical Thinking in Elementary Math (Grades 1-5):
Learn to apply proven critical thinking and cooperative learning strategies to teach mathematics using classroom technology. Learners use activities designed to support collaboration and problem solving within the curriculum while addressing NCTM standards. (This course requires access to students)

NYS Standards Correlations

(30 hours)
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 MATH156: The Concept of Function for Grades 9-12:
(Formerly MATH 155)
Implement new teaching strategies into your mathematics curriculum that address common misconceptions and difficulties high school students face when studying the concept of function.

(15 hours)
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 MATH165: Enabling Students With Special Needs to Succeed in Math Class       
(Grades 4-8):
Educators will develop methods to adapt their curricula, provide supportive scaffolds, and collaborate with special needs teachers to help all students succeed when learning mathematics. (* This course requires access to students.)

NYS Standards Correlations

(30 hours)
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 MATH175: Developing Algebraic Thinking in Grades K-2:
Learn and apply strategies for incorporating algebra into the classroom by exploring the algebraic content present in your current teachings and developing a connection between algebra and K-2 arithmetic. (* This course requires access to students.)

NYS Standards Correlations

(30 hours)
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 MATH181: Math in Everyday Life for Grades K-5:
(Formerly MATH 180)
Learn new ways to enrich your math lessons with illustrations drawn from the real world by examining the importance of problem solving, calculators, and the Web in the elementary-school classroom while addressing national math standards. (* This course requires access to students.)

NYS Standards Correlations

(15 hours)
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 MATH186: Math in Everyday Life for Grades 6-8:
(Formerly MATH 185)
Learn new ways to enrich your math lessons with illustrations drawn from the real world by examining the importance of problem solving, calculators, and the Web in the middle-school classroom while addressing national math standards. (* This course requires access to students.)

NYS Standards Correlations

(15 hours)
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 MATH221: Count on It: Number Sense for Grades K-5:
(Formerly MATH 220)
Learn strategies to effectively assess and teach number sense in your classroom. Examine and implement lesson plans, Web resources, and NCTM standards in order to help students gain a deeper understanding of numbers. (* This course requires access to students.)

NYS Standards Correlations

(15 hours)
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 MATH246: Rational Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, and Percents in Grades 5-8:
(Formerly MATH 245)
Know how students approach the study of fractions, decimals, and percents. Create lesson plans that have the flexibility to address common misconceptions in the study of rational numbers.

NYS Standards Correlations

(15 hours)
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 MATH250: Understanding Numbers and Operations: Addition and Subtraction in Grades PreK-3:
Create and implement addition and subtraction lessons that integrate technology, manipulatives, and effective pedagogical strategies. Assess student understanding of numbers and operations.

NYS Standards Correlations

(30 hours)
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 MATH255: Understanding Geometric Shapes and Spatial Sense in Grades 1-4:
Show your students the connection between geometry and spatial relationships by examining geometry found in architecture, art, and nature. Create a spatial reasoning activity to use in your classroom.

NYS Standards Correlations

(15 hours)
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 MATH270: Developing Algebraic Thinking in Grades 3-5:
Learn and apply strategies for incorporating algebra into the classroom by exploring the algebraic content present in your current teachings and by developing a connection between algebra and 3-5 mathematics to help your students think algebraically. (* This course requires access to students.)

NYS Standards Correlations

(30 hours)
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 MATH275: Measurement: Perimeter and Area in Grades 3-5:
Improve your conceptual understanding and teaching of measurement and the NCTM standards by using concrete and Web-based manipulatives, practicing computations, and researching concepts on perimeter and area.

NYS Standards Correlations

(15 hours)
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 MATH410: Seeing Math: Linear Functions:
Discover ways to teach linear functions through real-world problems that generate varied approaches and solutions. Experience how multiple representations strengthen understanding of functions, equations, and problem solving. Adapt your own problem and come away with activities for your students.
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 MATH415: Seeing Math: Transformations of Linear Functions:
How do changes to a function's graph mirror changes to its symbolic representation, and vice versa? Learn how to help students better grasp the symbolic representations of function while representing families of linear functions in multiple formats, and try out activities for your students.
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 MATH420: Seeing Math: Linear Equations:
Develop strategies for teaching students to represent and manipulate linear equations. Examine the rationale behind symbol manipulation that maintains an equality or corresponding inequality, use symbolic and graphic techniques to solve equations; try activities for your students.
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 MATH430: Seeing Math: Proportional Reasoning:
Use effective strategies to evaluate and improve students' proportional reasoning skills. Distinguish proportional reasoning from alternative strategies, overcome stumbling blocks, connect proportional reasoning concepts and algebra topics, and come away with activities for your students.
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