The PBS TeacherLine Catalog contains over 90 courses and is continually being revised and expanded. These courses specifically address key areas of instruction across all grade levels and disciplines and can be grouped into five major categories. Click on each of the categories to view the courses available. |
Instructional Strategies: The courses span a wide range of areas which can improve upon teacher understanding
of classroom methods. Topics include differing learning
styles, critical thinking skills, constructivism, assessment,
meeting academic standards, inquiry-based learning and
curriculum mapping. |
Mathematics: Our largest selection of courses falls in the Math category with content covering patterns, linear functions, data analysis, geometry, probability and fractions, to name just a few. These courses are also geared toward specific grade levels so educators can focus on targeted students needs. |
Reading/Language Arts: PBS TeacherLine understands the importance and emphasis of reading and writing in all grade levels. Many of our courses target the early
grades when reading skills are first being taught. Subjects
include phonics, spelling vocabulary, word meaning and
narrative comprehension. There are also courses which
help you incorporate reading across the disciplines,
especially Math and Science. |
Instructional Technology: With the increase of computers and multi-media in the classroom, teachers need to be aware of and skilled in how best to infuse technology into their lessons. Our courses help educators to conduct research on the internet, publish online, evaluate and organize internet resources, to incorporating computers and other multi-media for use with students. |
Science: The newest content area for PBS TeacherLine is Science. Recently added courses include Inquiry and Critical Thinking in Middle School Science and Scientific Inquiry and Field Work. Subject to be added in the future include Chemistry, Electricity and Magnetism, Forces and Motion, Aquatic Ecology, Rainforests, Cell Biology, Earth's History and the Solar System. |